Toggle by farmers insurance

Protect yourself from yourself.



Farmers Insurance is a legacy, 90 year old, household name. But they needed help connecting their business with the younger crowd. For the past two years, we've launched and built Toggle, an insurance program reimagined for the modern millennial consumer.


“Protect Yourself from Yourself" is millennial-speak designed to help younger consumers embrace "adulting." Third3ye™ revealed the consumer didn't want a glitzy, unrealistic ad campaign; they wanted to see themselves messing up and prevailing thanks to affordable insurance. Our primary video solution was a long run of carefully curated, branded UGC "fail" videos.


We reduced the CPA by 93%, then tripled Farmers Insurance's business goals. We helped turn the Toggle business into a sustainable and viable product. Toggle continues to gain exponential traction in the millennial space and we've beat our customer acquisition records every month for the past two years.


Case Study


Videos Ads were created with user-generated videos during Covid-19 when live video production ceased across the industry. Watch The New Creative Process panel discussion on how Odysseus Arms handled these challenges.


“We are tackling the challenges of staying creative and relevant in a world without traditional production resources.”

— Libby Brockoff, Odyseuss Arms
May 1, 2020